Friday, April 23, 2010

As The Training World Turns

For awhile I thought I was going to bail from the challenge of doing a Sprint Triathlon. What was I thinking about doing this. I started running and my legs hurt, really, really bad. My bike broke and I thought I couldn't afford either to fix it nor get another one. My self drive was shot, so I started to give up. Then, Lesley told me how much we were getting back from the IRS, and she said I could go get my Tri-Bike. Ok, there's the money, but my legs still hurt and I don't have my Mojo. Then I hooked up with a group on .. I joined a mentor group. It's actually pretty cool. They take one seasoned triathlete and put them with 10-12 beginners. All of which have different skills to share. some are strong swimmers, but not runners nor bikers, some are strong runners and not, well you get my point. They have shown me that I started running to aggressive, hence leg pain. They helped show me how to start a strong running base. Since my legs and back don't hurt anymore. Actually when I'm done running I feel like I could go much further, but I hold back as to let my running base get built and not burn myself out. GREAT, now all I have left is to work on my Mojo. Not back 100%, but since I've gotten the endorphans moving it's coming back. Hopefully once I get my bike and start swimming I'll put me over the edge and I'll be back once again, full of Mojo, and ready to conquer the World....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Biggest Loser

Just got done watching the biggest loser.... I can't wait til I actually start training. I talked with my Dr. yesterday, and he has given me a clean bill of health to start training and thinks I should do well. Just keep an eye on my body and check in with him whenever the pain hits. After bills get paid this weekend I'll look at our money and see about getting my equipment. If time allows, I will do that job next Sat and know that i have at least enough for the trainer. Watch out folks, I'll be hitting the road in no time......Please don't run me over.

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Trainer

Just got me a side job that will pay for my trainer in Full. So maybe I will be able to get my shoes and my trainer at the same time. Wooo Hoo, I am sore from working out this weekend at my belt test

Friday, January 8, 2010

Checking out training gear

I went yesterday to look at some stuff I need to get to start the training process. Cause I vehemently hate the cold, I would rather invest my money into a cycle trainer than winter gear for my bike, it looks like the trainer I'm gonna get is gonna cost me $327. The shoes I want, and I need new shoes cause my other running shoes hurt, is gonna cost me another $115 bucks. I sure hope I can get a side job or two here soon so I can go ahead and get these. I'd like to start getting my stamina up soon!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Training Start Date

I will start training for this on January 9th 2010!! Wish me luck!!!

My New Goals

Every year around this time, everyone starts with there New Years Resolutions. I hate them. Inevitably you start with weight loss, stop smoking, or drinking. Blah, blah, blah!!!! Yea, it lasts for about a month when withdrawals really kick in and wipe the floor with you and you quit and go back to what was comfortable. That's why I don't believe in New Years Resolutions!!! However I have learned in the past that I can overcome anything I've ever put my mind to. I've also not completed buttloads of things I've started. However, a person really never changes until they are ready!
For many of you, you know my story and have heard me moaning and groaning about my back. How it hurts, and how I can't do anything! The reality is, that excuse is getting old. I am miserable. I have tried to get other people involved to help motivate me, but no one will nor do I think they can. What has motivated me lately is the tv shoe "Biggest Loser". I know, I know, it sounds cliche, but these obese, hunk of lard people stand in front of America showing us all of the disgusting things their bodies have to offer. They cry, and complain, but they do it!!! They do it with more health issues than most of us have ever thought of. Heck, most of them have worse back problems than me, worse knees then me, and wayyyyy more weight then me. With that said I give them huge Kudos!!!! And take that inspiration and tell myself that regardless of the Back problems that I have, I can overcome it, and be the person I used to love. You know, that one who had lots of Drive & self determination. The one that no matter how bad I felt, I pushed the envelope, and never complained. Hell, I felt great back then. I miss it. Not "oh i wish I felt like that again", I mean I am depressed that I am not that person anymore. It's killing me inside that I am not that person anymore, and I'm done giving excuses. I'm done waiting for someone else to do it with me, and I'm done lying to myself that I can't do it!!!
This year my goal is to complete a Sprint and an Olympic triathelon. Sprint is 1/2 mile swim, 12 1/2 mile Bike ride, & a 3 mile run. The Olympic is a 1+ mile swim, 25 mile Bike ride, & a 6+ mile run. I know the running is my weak point, and will be the one that gives me the most problems with my back, but I really want to prove to myself that I can overcome it, and begin to feel better about myself. I know you think I may sound crazy for doing this, but I would hope you would lend me your support and wish me luck. If you want to go run,bike, or swim with me, let me know, I would love to have your company while on this journey!!!!